Thursday, December 11, 2008

Some Pictures

Here are some pictures. Sorry there are so few, but it takes so long to load them that this is what I could get. There may or may not be a video of my new house at the bottom as I don't know if it'll load before my internet time runs out... it's not looking good. Next time I come to internet I'll start loading it first thing & hopefully that'll be enough time!

My homestay house.
Me w/ my Tanzanian sisters and our matching outfits for the swearing in ceremony.
Me with the girls from my language training group in dresses one of the teachers had made for us. We were having Thanksgiving dinner at one of the medical officer's house.

Tanzanian sunset in Mikumi National Park. Notice the sky. What color is it? That's right - it's sky-blue-pink. (That's for my family who're probably the only ones who get that...)

Studying Swahili with the rest of my language training group.