Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Holiday wish list continues

Yes, it's the holiday season, so I'm taking advantage & begging! Here are some other things, in addition to other blog list I made a few weeks ago, that I could use. I love Goodwill clothes, so any clothes I ask for, please don't spend lots of money! Clean out your closets, go to Goodwill, etc. Njombe is about 65-70 degrees now w/ my house colder w/ the concrete floor (remember - no heating in houses here!) so I need more warm clothes ASAP!

CDs: The Weepies (any of them), Carbon Leaf (indian summer)
Slippers - warm & fuzzy
Leggings/yoga pants (size L any color)
Socks (shoe size 8.5) any color but white!
Long sleeved Ts (size L)
Magazines (Readers' Digest, Cosmo, People, whatever!)
Nalgene water bottle (or any reusable water bottle)
Hot chocolate
Warmer weather clothes (goodwill stuff is great!)
Snack foods!!!
Books - any & always!

Thank you a million times over.