Monday, January 5, 2009

October Peace Corps Pictures

The dreaded Noun Class chart. Pictured are only 3 of the 7 noun classes with all of the agreements we had to learn. This was harder to learn than it was to learn how to use the holes in the ground as toilets. AHHHHHH!!!
View of some of the Uluguru Mountains from our internship school.

"Studying" Swahili at our internship school.

One of the two buildings that made up Mji Mpya Secondary School. Mji Mpya translates as "new town" or "new city".

The choo at our school. It's pronounced "cho" not "chew" & is basically an outhouse with holes in the ground in each stall. It was not as hard to use as it may seem, but my years of yoga came in handy!