Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Random Time to Kill

Don't get used to me being on internet everyday. I just happen to be in town to pick up furniture I had ordered, so I had some extra time before I get the furniture to do some internet stuff. I really don't have much else to post, but I remembered that I'd like a 2009 wall calendar so if someone has one they want to send to me, I'd appreciate it. If I get more than one w/ different themes - hamna shida (no worries) I can use them to decorate my walls! Oh, in case you're wondering why "no worries" is hamna shida and not "hakuna matada" like the Lion King song, it's because hamna shida is Tanzanian Swahili, but hakuna matada is Kenyan Swahili. There's a joke around here, at least all of our language teachers told us this, that Swahili was born on Zanzibar (island of the coast of TZ - part of TZ), anyway, Swahili was born on Zanzibar, grew up in Tanzania (mainland), got sick in Kenya, and died in Uganda. There are some other countries somewhere in the joke, but that's the main idea. Anyway, apparently the purest form of Swahili is spoken in Zanzibar and then the further you get from Zanzibar the more diluted it gets w/ other tribal languages.