Yep - 3 posts today. It's a miracle. Decent internet & time to spare. Read below for the other two posts I managed to get up today. First, sorry there's no pictures yet. I have yet to have excess time to wait for them to upload and/or pay for the internet time to wait. Once I get to my site I will have more time and better internet access and I'll put up a bunch of pictures from the past 2 months. Hopefully after that I'll be more timely w/ pictures. Secondly, I passed both my written and oral final exams for Swahili. Go me - I'm still pretty weak in my mind, but I guess I can do enough to survive. Unfortunately it's been over a week of using strictly English, so I'm losing Swahili quickly. I'll be in my village next week, though, so I think I'll get it back then - I hope! Yesterday we spent 8 hours learning how to put a garden in at our sites & how to properly use a minimal amount of space. The point is to help us, but to also help the villagers see how they can maximize the food they grow, even if just for themselves. I'm not sure if I'll be getting on the garden band wagon - it's really not my thing, but knowing I could grow lettuce & other veggies that I can't get here is tempting. We'll see how bored I am in Dec.!
Time is short. One more week to independence & cooler weather!!! Happy Turkey Day to all (ok, I know it's next week, but I don't know when I'll get to internet again!)