Friday, August 29, 2008
What, no comments?
You may have noticed that there is not a place to post comments on my blog. Although I'd be interested to hear comments, I've read several blogs from TZ saying that their internet connections make it difficult to open the comments, so I figured there was no point. Also, as the owner of this blog, I'm responsible for any content on it, including other people's comments & frankly I only want to be responsible for what I say. So, if you'd like to comment on the blog, or just want to drop me a line & say hi, you can write me a letter or send me an email instead!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Packing for 2 years
How do I pack for 2 years? Well, I don't. We basically pack for a few months & by that time we'll have been able to purchase whatever else we need. PC provides a packing list, but says that we can't pack all of the items on the list- we have to decide what is appropriate for us while making sure we also bring the required items. This made it hard to pack as I wanted a "pack this" and "don't bring that" list. We are limited two 2 pieces of checked luggage, totaling no more than 80 pounds with no more than 50 pounds in one piece, plus 1 carry-on. There are also linear dimension restrictions on the luggage. After all of my packing struggles, here's what I think I've ended up with!
1 rolling duffel 6500 capacity
1 backpack 5000 capacity
1 carry-on backpack
Clothes, linens, etc.:
3 skirts (PC required)
2 dresses (PC required)
1 pair jeans
1 pair khaki pants (converts to capris)
1 pair khaki capris
1 pair denim capris
2 pairs shorts (to wear under skirts/dresses)
5 short sleeved shirts
4 cotton Ts
2 long sleeved button down shirts
1 sweatshirt
1 windbreaker
Socks, underwear, etc. (LOTS)
2 pairs Chacos (sandals)
2 pairs Keens (shoes)
2 pair sneakers
1 swim suit
1 slip (PC required)
2 hats
3 hair bandanas
1 bath towel, 1 hand towel, 1 washcloth
1 pillowcase (signed by my friends at MNMS!)
1 laundry bag
1 quillow (quilt that folds into a pillow)
Pharmacy (literally - I'm taking a pharmacy):
PC gives us a medkit for our sites, but I want the meds I want when I want them!
Immodium (I hope I don't need this much...)
Pepto Bismol (... this either!)
Bonine (like Dramamine)
Contacts (PC discourages their use, but I'm trying it)
Contact solution
Soft lips (w/ 20 SPF)
Sun screen
Bug spray
Toothbrush (2) & toothpaste
Baby wipes
Antibacterial wipes
Germ X
Small packs of tissues
Ponytail holders
Laptop & accessories
Camera & accessories
AA & AAA batteries
Voltage adapter/converters
Ipod & accessories
Flash drives
Household items:
Rubber dishwashing gloves
Hanging storage containers
Plastic bags/tupperware
Bag clips
Solar camper's shower
Duct Tape
2 small paring knives/peeler (PC suggested)
Measuring cups/spoons (PC suggested)
Egg carrier (PC suggested)
Other stuff:
Sewing kit
Safety pins
Photo albums
Stationery/address book
24 (math game)
Powdered drink mixes
Fruit snacks
PC materials
2 stuffed bears (both from people near & dear to me)
Bike helmet (PC required)
Wow, that's a lot of stuff as I look at it! I actually had more (mostly duplicates of stuff, like 2 duct tapes & several contact solution bottles, etc.), but I took out the extras & boxed them up to send to myself. If you're wondering why I have few educational items packed, I have two good reasons. First, they didn't fit! Second, I won't need them until I start teaching in January, so they are packed up in boxes ready to be sent. Those boxes include things like a gradebook, markers, more math games, chalk, folders, office supplies in addition to my duplicate personal supplies that didn't fit in my bags. Here are some pictures of my attempts at packing!
Laying out some of the clothes I want to take. Notice the entire bed, lots of soft mattress space, lots of cushy clothes, and the 1 hard folder that Newton chose to sleep on while helping me pack!
My duffel surrounded by some of the stuff I was trying to fit into it!

1 rolling duffel 6500 capacity
1 backpack 5000 capacity
1 carry-on backpack
Clothes, linens, etc.:
3 skirts (PC required)
2 dresses (PC required)
1 pair jeans
1 pair khaki pants (converts to capris)
1 pair khaki capris
1 pair denim capris
2 pairs shorts (to wear under skirts/dresses)
5 short sleeved shirts
4 cotton Ts
2 long sleeved button down shirts
1 sweatshirt
1 windbreaker
Socks, underwear, etc. (LOTS)
2 pairs Chacos (sandals)
2 pairs Keens (shoes)
2 pair sneakers
1 swim suit
1 slip (PC required)
2 hats
3 hair bandanas
1 bath towel, 1 hand towel, 1 washcloth
1 pillowcase (signed by my friends at MNMS!)
1 laundry bag
1 quillow (quilt that folds into a pillow)
Pharmacy (literally - I'm taking a pharmacy):
PC gives us a medkit for our sites, but I want the meds I want when I want them!
Immodium (I hope I don't need this much...)
Pepto Bismol (... this either!)
Bonine (like Dramamine)
Contacts (PC discourages their use, but I'm trying it)
Contact solution
Soft lips (w/ 20 SPF)
Sun screen
Bug spray
Toothbrush (2) & toothpaste
Baby wipes
Antibacterial wipes
Germ X
Small packs of tissues
Ponytail holders
Laptop & accessories
Camera & accessories
AA & AAA batteries
Voltage adapter/converters
Ipod & accessories
Flash drives
Household items:
Rubber dishwashing gloves
Hanging storage containers
Plastic bags/tupperware
Bag clips
Solar camper's shower
Duct Tape
2 small paring knives/peeler (PC suggested)
Measuring cups/spoons (PC suggested)
Egg carrier (PC suggested)
Other stuff:
Sewing kit
Safety pins
Photo albums
Stationery/address book
24 (math game)
Powdered drink mixes
Fruit snacks
PC materials
2 stuffed bears (both from people near & dear to me)
Bike helmet (PC required)
Wow, that's a lot of stuff as I look at it! I actually had more (mostly duplicates of stuff, like 2 duct tapes & several contact solution bottles, etc.), but I took out the extras & boxed them up to send to myself. If you're wondering why I have few educational items packed, I have two good reasons. First, they didn't fit! Second, I won't need them until I start teaching in January, so they are packed up in boxes ready to be sent. Those boxes include things like a gradebook, markers, more math games, chalk, folders, office supplies in addition to my duplicate personal supplies that didn't fit in my bags. Here are some pictures of my attempts at packing!
A look inside my duffel. Notice how full it is & I still had to fit in all of those bags that were surrounding it plus my helmet!
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Anyone who knows me at all, knows I love to read. This is especially important as I head off to a land where TVs, internet, & other typical U.S. entertainments are hard to come by! That being said, I'll be packing books to take with me. Soon, I'll post a list of what I packed to take with me to TZ for 2 years, but as for books, I'm currently planning on taking Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson & David Relin; Animal, Vegetable, Miracle by Barbara Kingsolver; Twilight by Stephanie Meyer; New Moon by Stephanie Meyer; and The No. 1 Ladies' Detective Agency by Alexander McCall Smith. I hope to be able to pack all of these & maybe a few more, but weight restrictions may require me to pull a few out & have them sent to me later.
What can you send me? LETTERS & BOOKS!!
Here are some authors I've read & books I'd like to have if anyone wants to send some!
1) I've read most of Jodi Picoult's books, but still have not read Mercy or Second Glance. Also, she tends to come out with a new book every year, so feel free to send any new ones!
2) Khaled Hosseini - I read both The Kite Runner & A Thousand Splendid Suns, but if he comes out with another one, feel free to send it! Also, if you enjoyed those books & have others you think I'd like, send them.
3) I've had The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on my list to read for over a year, but sort of forgot about it. As he died recently, I was reminded of his book & am interested in reading it.
4) I've read most of Chris Bohjalian's books, but haven't read Idyll Banter: Weekly Excursions to a Very Small Town. He seems to publish about once a year, so new books by him would be appreciated.
5) I've just recently discovered Barbara Kingsolver. I read The Poisonwood Bible over the summer & am taking Animal, Vegetable, Miracle with me. However, she has a long list of fiction books that I'm sure I would enjoy. I believe she might have another nonfiction book, or two. Anything by her would be great.
6) I've also started reading Sophie Kinsella, but haven't read any of the books she's most famous for - the Shopaholic books. I've read The Undomestic Goddess, Can You Keep A Secret? & Remember Me?, but she has a ton more that would make good reads.
7) Many of my students were reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer last year. A friend of mine recently gave them her highest recommendation, so I purchased the first two in the series to take with me - they're the only two in paperback. However, if the next two in the series, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn come out in paperback, or you don't mind sending a hardback, I'd love to read them. Also, I was told she has another book, The Host, that is a good read.
8) I also have a wishlist on that is mostly books, so that would be a good place to get ideas of books to send. (search for in the wishlist search)
9) Finally, if you have any paperback books or light hardback books that you've enjoyed reading & don't mind parting with, please send them! If I've read them, I can pass them along to other volunteers.
What can you send me? LETTERS & BOOKS!!
Here are some authors I've read & books I'd like to have if anyone wants to send some!
1) I've read most of Jodi Picoult's books, but still have not read Mercy or Second Glance. Also, she tends to come out with a new book every year, so feel free to send any new ones!
2) Khaled Hosseini - I read both The Kite Runner & A Thousand Splendid Suns, but if he comes out with another one, feel free to send it! Also, if you enjoyed those books & have others you think I'd like, send them.
3) I've had The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch on my list to read for over a year, but sort of forgot about it. As he died recently, I was reminded of his book & am interested in reading it.
4) I've read most of Chris Bohjalian's books, but haven't read Idyll Banter: Weekly Excursions to a Very Small Town. He seems to publish about once a year, so new books by him would be appreciated.
5) I've just recently discovered Barbara Kingsolver. I read The Poisonwood Bible over the summer & am taking Animal, Vegetable, Miracle with me. However, she has a long list of fiction books that I'm sure I would enjoy. I believe she might have another nonfiction book, or two. Anything by her would be great.
6) I've also started reading Sophie Kinsella, but haven't read any of the books she's most famous for - the Shopaholic books. I've read The Undomestic Goddess, Can You Keep A Secret? & Remember Me?, but she has a ton more that would make good reads.
7) Many of my students were reading the Twilight series by Stephanie Meyer last year. A friend of mine recently gave them her highest recommendation, so I purchased the first two in the series to take with me - they're the only two in paperback. However, if the next two in the series, Eclipse & Breaking Dawn come out in paperback, or you don't mind sending a hardback, I'd love to read them. Also, I was told she has another book, The Host, that is a good read.
8) I also have a wishlist on that is mostly books, so that would be a good place to get ideas of books to send. (search for in the wishlist search)
9) Finally, if you have any paperback books or light hardback books that you've enjoyed reading & don't mind parting with, please send them! If I've read them, I can pass them along to other volunteers.
Before heading off into the great unknown, Peace Corps has all members of a volunteer group meet in the United States for a staging event (i.e. orientation). I received my staging packet this week. I'll be registering for staging on Sun. Sept. 14, 2008 between 2 & 3 pm. Staging for our group will take place in Philadelphia. I'm glad our staging is in Philly as it's a city with which I'm pretty familiar and having staging there will give me the chance to say good-bye to family who lives there & friends who live in the area. According to our staging schedule, it looks like I'll be doing a lot of "get to know you" activities with the rest of the education group as well as some sessions focused on getting us ready for arrival in Tanzania. We'll also be given our first round of vaccinations before taking off for the first leg of our trip from JFK the evening of the 16th.
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